What could you accomplish with your funds a month (or more) faster? Could you hire an additional developer? Click go on a marketing campaign?.

How Can I Fund The Growth Of My App or Game Business

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Did you launch an app or game on a distribution platform and need your revenue right away or can you wait 30-45 days? What could you accomplish with your funds a month (or more) faster? Could you hire an additional developer? Click go on a marketing campaign? Get new equipment? Getting noticed, downloaded, and ultimately paid for a game or app you made is difficult. There are thousands of apps and games that consumers and businesses use. When you do all the hard work and promote your business and finally make money, platforms such as the App Store, Play Store, and Steam pay you 30-45 days after the end of the month in which you had a sale. For example: When someone downloads and pays for your app/game on July 3, you don’t see the money until September. That is a long time to wait for the money you have already earned. This begs the question, "How do I get my distribution platform to pay me faster? "You still need to focus on marketing and acquiring new customers. You still need to make payroll every 2 weeks. You still need to pay rent. So how do you pay the weekly and monthly needs of your business if your platform of choice is paying you 30-45 days after the end of each month? There are a couple of financing options available:

Get a publisher deal

Businesses can work with app and game publishers who will pay for a game to be created and then when revenue comes in the door they’ll first pay for their expenses, and then take equity and/or share of the profits. This is a great option for businesses who have no revenue, need capital to build or finish the app/game as well as need other help outside of financing - marketing, operations, and more.

Business/Personal loan or line of credit

The founders of an app or game can often go to their local bank or an online bank and get a personal or business line of credit or loan. Bank financing typically has the lowest rates of financial products in the market. You will most likely be asked to sign a personal guarantee, or other forms of a guarantee or collateral to get the money. If you're in the early days of building your business, you will likely need to take out a personal loan.

Angel Investment

Angel investors are accredited high net worth individuals who provide capital in exchange for equity in the company. A convertible note or SAFE is most commonly used. Find angels through your network, angel.co, and referrals. These individuals invest in you, the idea, and the opportunity.

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